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Co-Motion Mocha 27 speed- REDUCED!!

Date: Jan 16      Ad ID: IAN@C

We bought this back in 2007 and haven't ridden it a lot (hence its sale). We bought it in the USA but took it to New Zealand and back. It does have 3 small scrapes which we put some paint on (see photos) and general scuffs, but overall is in great condition. Current captain is 5'8" and stoker is 5'1". Look at https://co-motion.com/products/mocha to see the current model. This one has a lot of aftermarket accessories that with a stock, off-the-shelf model you will have to pay extra for.

Asking price is $2450.

Bike is located in Phoenix, AZ. Payment: Cashiers check, bank transfer, credit or debit card (fee will apply) Delivery: Local pickup or shipping. Due to is ability to fit in the 2 suitcases, shipping is a breeze (buyer pays). If you're interested, let us know and we can get a quote. As a ballpark, I got a quote for the 2 suitcases from home in Phoenix to Maine (about as far away as I could get!!) and it can be done for under $300.

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